Quin Curry

Percussionist & Sound Engineer

Hi! I’m Quin Curry. Feel free to check out the work I have done in my Music career!



Live Sound



Quin Curry is a Percussionist, Sound Engineer, and Artist.

Coming up on 11 years, Quin has been a percussionist that has backed up many bands. Gaining the experience of percussion under his belt, Quin incorporates it within his songwriting.

Quin writes music that goes along with specific settings. In SúKury, Quin paints a celestial picture of traveling throughout the emptiness of space shooting across the starts by adding a soft piano that growls at the beginning, followed by the eclectic percussion that backs it up. In Asian Scenery, Quin creates a bleak atmosphere with elongated synths that vividly bounce with a thunderstorm added into the setting signifying the solemness of the feeling of being alone.

Quin has also worked as a live sound engineer for many bands such as The Lisa McCall band, Mystic 7, Bad Liquor Management, and many more. From small bars, to 300 cap rooms, Quin has become familiar with the small live music setting.